Thursday, April 14, 2011

Only 7 more days

One week from today I will getting on the plane at the San Antonio Airport. I spent some time today getting our "travel folders" together. These contain our itinerary, maps, travel documents, various reservations, currency, proof of insurance forms, etc.

Yesterday I packed my overnight bag...the bag that will provide me with 2 days worth of clothing in case my bag gets delayed or mis-routed. I will also keep my electronics and any valuable in there, to be sure that I have them by my side.

I made my final trip to the grocery store, for a few travel snacks and food for Doug, who won't be following me until later on during the trip. We have 3 months worth of dog food, fish food, and bird food. Sodas that could last until the end of the summer, but probably won't.

I contacted the credit card companies to have them put the card in travel status and found out that Discover might be accepted at places that accept the Diner card (very good news). Now all I can do is hope that the ATM recognize me and provide me with timely cash. I know there is quite a service charge, but it's better than carrying a wallet full of bills.

I still need to pack my primary bag and decide what not to take. I need to dress professionally for the job, I saw that the low in Hohenfels today was 32 and around 3:30 it was about 48 or 50. So I'm still dressing for a "San Antonio winter" even though it is considered spring. By the time we leave, it will be summer...things to consider.

That's all for today. I can't wait to post some "live" pictures, taken by my own camera. :)

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