Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday - checking the list - 5 days to go

I have several lists going and I keep adding to them and deleting as things get done. Some items are redundant, like checking on Doug's pass port, because they are most important.

So I have a list for things to pack (clothes, electronics, chargers, camera, MagicJack, stamps), things to take care of before I leave and upon arrival (pay bills, 80 days worth of pet food, rechargeable phone for Europe), and things I want to buy in Germany (suveniers, shoes, ornaments, car sticker) get the idea.

I also confirmed our reservations, printed out colorful itiniraries, and put our travel documents in into folders.

So, today I will finish up my work, get some additional packing done, and brush up some more on my German. I've been listening to German radio stations (thanks to an app on "radio Germany"), both news and music. I understand very well, and need to get more comfortable speaking. Funny, when I first came to the United States, I was translating everything from German to English and dreaming in German, now it is the other way around. I really have to think about the words. (funny when I was studyingRussian, I used to dream in Russian, then realize, when I woke up, I didn't understand a single word.)

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